C – 201 Bearden, C., R. Low, R. Rhodes, R. Van Dolah, C. Wenner, E. Wenner, and D. Whitaker. 1985. A review and analysis of commercial shrimp trawling in the sounds and bays of South Carolina. South Carolina Marine Resources Center Technical Report No. 62. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 202 Smith, T.I.J., P.A. Sandifer, W.E. Jenkins, J.S. Hopkins, and A.D. Stokes. 1985. Overview of finfish aquaculture research at South Carolina’s Marine Resources Research Institute. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 38: A177-A194. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 203 Manzi, J.J. and N.H. Hadley. 1988. Recent advances in nursery culture of bivalve mollusks in North America. pp. 41-46. IN: A.K. Sparks, editor. New and Innovative Advances in Biology/Engineering with Potential for Use in Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Fourteenth U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, October 16-17, 1985. NOAA Tech. Report NMFS 70. Seattle, WA. 69 p. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 204 Burrell, V.G. Jr. 1986. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (South Atlantic): American oyster. Biological report (Washington, D.C.) 82(11.57). 17 p. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 205 Wenner, C.A., W.A. Roumillat, and C.W. Waltz. 1986. Contributions to the life history of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, off the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 84: 723-741. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 206 Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and M.B. Maddox. 1986. Seed clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, culture in an experimental-scale upflow nursery system. Aquaculture 54: 301-311.
C – 207 Stone, P.A., S. L. Clark, and T.D. Mathews. 1985. Recharging relationships and contamination susceptibility of fractured crystalline-rock aquifers in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces of South Carolina. Proceedings of the Southern Regional Ground Water Conference. San Antonio, TX: Sept. 18-19, 1985.
C – 208 Burrell, V.G. Jr. and J.J. Manzi. 1985. Molluscan mariculture in South Carolina. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 38: 245-251.
C – 209 Wendt, P.H., R.F. Van Dolah, and C.B. O’Rourke. 1985. A comparative study of the invertebrate macrofauna associated with seven sponge and coral species collected from the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 101: 187-203.
C – 210 Low, R.A. and J.D. Whitaker. 1986. SEAMAP comparative shrimp trawling study, 1985. Charleston, SC: Marine Resources Division, South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, 1986. 27 pp.
C – 211 Johnson, G.D. 1986. Scombroid phylogeny: an alternative hypothesis. Bulletin of Marine Science 39: 1-41.
C – 212 Dillon, R.T. Jr. and J.J. Manzi. 1987. Hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, broodstocks: Genetic drift and loss of rare alleles without reduction in heterozygosity. Aquaculture 60: 99-105.
C – 213 Smith, T.I.J., J.S. Hopkins, W.E. Jenkins, A.D. Stokes, R.A. Smiley, and P.A. Sandifer. 1986. Potential for fish culture in coastal wetlands of the Southern United States. IN: D.D. Hook, et al., editors. The Ecology and Management of Wetlands, Vol. 2. Portland, OR.
C – 214 Whetstone, J.M., E.J. Olmi III, P.A. Sandifer, and A.D. Stokes. 1988. Management of existing salt-marsh impoundments in South Carolina for shrimp aquaculture and its implications, pp. 327-338. IN: D.D. Hook, et al., editors. The Ecology and Management of Wetlands, Vol. 2. Portland, OR.
C – 215 Smith, T.I.J., W.E. Jenkins, and R.W. Haggerty. 1986. Growth and survival of juvenile striped bass (Morone saxatilis) x white bass (M. chrysops) hybrids reared at different salinities. Proceedings Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 40: 143-151.
C – 216 Smith, T.I.J., W.E. Jenkins, W.D. Oldland, and R.D. Hamilton. 1986. Development of nursery systems for shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum. Proceedings Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 40: 169-177.
C – 217 Smith, T.I.J. and W.E. Jenkins. 1986. Culture and controlled spawning of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) to produce striped bass and striped bass x white bass (M. chrysops) hybrids. Proceedings Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 40: 152-162.
C – 218 Harris, S.E.G. and P.A. Sandifer. 1986. Sperm production and the effects of electrically induced spermatophore expulsion in the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man). Journal of Crustacean Biology 6: 633-647.
C – 219 Smith, T.I.J. 1986. Culture of North American sturgeons for fishery enhancement. Presented at the 15th Joint Meeting of the U.S.-Japan Natural Resources Panel on Aquaculture, Kyoto, Japan. Oct. 22-23, 1986.
C – 220 DeLancy, L.B. 1987. The summer zooplankton of the surf zone at Folly Beach, South Carolina. Journal of Coastal Research 3: 211-217.
C – 221 Dillon, R.T. and J.J. Manzi. 1988. Enzyme heterozygosity and growth rate in nursery populations of Mercenaria mercenaria (L.). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 116: 79-86.
C – 222 Hales, L.S., Jr. 1987. Distribution, abundance, reproduction, food habits, age, and growth of round scad, Decapterus punctatus, in the South Atlantic Bight. Fishery Bulletin 85: 251-268. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 223 Olmi, E.J. III, J.M. Whetstone, and P.A. Sandifer. 1988. Management of existing coastal impoundments in South Carolina for shrimp culture: production, water quality, and incidental catch in two impoundments during 1985. (South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Technical Report 88-1). Charleston, SC: South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium. 30 p. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 224 Sedberry, G.R. 1987. Feeding habits of sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus, in offshore reef habitats of the southeastern Continental Shelf. Northeast Gulf Science 9(1): 29-37.
C – 226 Collins, M.R., C.W. Waltz, W.A. Roumillat, and D.L. Stubbs. 1987. Contribution to the life history and reproductive biology of gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (Serranidae), in the South Atlantic Bight. Fishery Bulletin 85: 648-652. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 227 Collins, M.R. and B.W. Stender. 1987. Larval king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla), Spanish mackerel (S. maculatus), and bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) off the southeast coast of the United States, 1973-1980. Bulletin of Marine Science 41: 822-834.
C – 228 Van Dolah, R.F., P.H. Wendt, and N. Nicholson. 1987. Effects of a research trawl on a hard-bottom assemblage of sponges and corals. Fisheries Research 5: 39-54.
C – 229 Sandifer, P.A., J.S. Hopkins, and A.D. Stokes. 1987. Intensive culture of Penaeus vannamei. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 18: 94-100.
C – 230 Marcus, J.M. and T.D. Mathews. 1987. Trace metals in South Carolina estuaries, pp. 446-448. IN: S.E. Lindberg and T.C. Hutchinson, editors. Heavy Metals in the Environment: International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1987, Vol. II. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: CEP Consultants, Ltd.
C – 231 Keener, P., G.D. Johnson, B.W. Stender, E.B. Brothers, and H.R. Beatty. 1988. Ingress of postlarval gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (Pisces: Serranidae), through a South Carolina barrier island inlet. Bulletin of Marine Science 42: 376-396.
C – 232 Wenner, E.L., G.F. Ulrich, and J.B. Wise. 1987. Exploration for golden crab, Geryon fenneri, in the South Atlantic Bight: distribution, population structure and gear assessment. Fishery Bulletin 85: 547-560. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 233 Smith. T.I.J. 1988. Aquaculture of striped bass and its hybrids in North America. Aquaculture Magazine Jan/Feb: 40-49.
C – 234 Van Dolah, R.F., P.H. Wendt, D.M. Knott, and E.L. Wenner. 1988. Recruitment and community development of sessile fouling assemblages on the Continental Shelf off South Carolina, U.S.A. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 26: 679-699.
C – 235 Manzi, J.J. and R.T. Dillon. 1989. Genetics and shell morphology in a hybrid zone between the hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria and M. campechiensis. Marine Biology 100: 217-222.
C – 236 Burrell, V.G. Jr., J.J. Manzi, and C.B. O’Rourke. 1991. Assessment of mechanical transplanting as a means of rehabilitating intertidal oyster beds. Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 40: 228-240.
C – 237 Manzi, J.J. and M. Castagna, editors. 1989. Clam Mariculture in North America. (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Vol. 19) New York: Elsevier. 461 p.
C – 238 Manzi, J.J. and M. Castagna. 1989. Introduction, pp. 1-21. IN: J.J. Manzi and M. Castagna, editors. Clam Mariculture in North America. New York: Elsevier. 1989. 461 p.
C – 239 Castagna, M. and J.J. Manzi. 1989. Clam culture in North America: Hatchery production of nursery stock clams, pp. 111-125. IN: J.J. Manzi and M. Castagna, editors. Clam Mariculture in North America. New York: Elsevier. 461 p.
C – 240 Manzi, J.J. and M. Castagna. 1989. Nursery culture of clams in North America, pp. 127-147. IN: J.J. Manzi and M. Castagna, editors. Clam Mariculture in North America. New York: Elsevier. 461 p.
C – 241 Wendt, P.H., D.M. Knott, and R.F. Van Dolah. 1989. Community structure of the sessile biota on five artificial reefs of different ages. Bulletin of Marine Science 44: 1106-1122.
C – 242 Bell, M., C.J. Moore, and S.W. Murphy. 1989. Utilization of manufactured reef structures in South Carolina’s marine artificial reef program. Bulletin of Marine Science 44: 818-830.
C – 243 Stender, B.W. 1989. The progeny of estuaries, pp. 39-47. IN: Diagnosis and Prognosis–Barrier Island/Salt Marsh Estuaries, Southeast Atlantic Coast: Issues, Resources, Status, and Management. Proceedings of a seminar held February 17, 1988, Washington, DC. NOAA Estuary-of-the-Month Seminar Series No. 12. Washington DC: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Estuarine Programs Office. 106 p.
C – 244 Collins, M.R. and C.A. Wenner. 1988. Occurrence of young-of-the-year king, Scomberomorus cavalla, and Spanish, S. maculatus, mackerels in commercial-type shrimp trawls along the Atlantic coast of the southeast United States. Fishery Bulletin 86: 394-397. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 245 Rountree, R.A. 1989. Association of fishes with fish aggregation devices: effects of structure size on fish abundance. Bulletin of Marine Science 44: 960-972.
C – 246 Smith, T.I.J., B.D. Lamprecht, and J.W. Hall. 1990. Evaluation of tagging techniques for shortnose sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon, pp. 134-141. IN: N.C. Parker, editor. Fish-Marking Techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish-Marking Techniques, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA, June 27-July 1, 1988. (American Fisheries Society Symposium Vol. 7) Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society. 879 p.
C – 247 Jenkins, W.E. and T.I.J. Smith. 1990. Use of PIT tags to individually identify striped bass and red drum brood stock, pp. 341-345. IN: N.C. Parker, editor. Fish-Marking Techniques: Proceedings of the International Symposium and Educational Workshop on Fish-Marking Techniques, held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA, June 27-July 1, 1988. (American Fisheries Society Symposium Vol. 7) Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society. 879 p.
C – 248 Collins, M.R. and B.W. Stender. 1989. Larval striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) and white mullet (Mugil curema) off the southeastern United States. Bulletin of Marine Science 45: 580-589.
C – 249 Sandifer, P.A., J.S. Hopkins, and A.D. Stokes. 1988. Intensification of shrimp culture in earthen ponds in South Carolina: progress and prospects. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 19: 218-226.
C – 250 Collins, M.R. and J.L. Pinckney. 1988. Size and age at maturity for vermilion snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) in the South Atlantic Bight. Northeast Gulf Science 10(1): 51-53.