C – 251 Sedberry, G.R. 1988. Food and feeding of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, in live bottom habitats in the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 104: 35-50.
C – 252 Smith, T.I.J., W.E. Jenkins, A.D. Stokes, and R.A. Smiley. 1989. Semi-intensive pond production of market-size striped bass (Morone saxatilis) x white bass (M. chrysops) hybrids. World Aquaculture 20(1): 81-83.
C – 253 Stone, P.A., T.D. Mathews, R.L. Knox, and R.W. Oldham. 1986. Induced recharging and contamination susceptibility of the Floridan Aquifer, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, pp. 539-559. IN: Proceedings of the FOCUS Conference on Southeastern Groundwater Issues, October 6-8, 1986, Tampa, Florida. Published by National Water Well Association.
C – 254 Marcus, J.M. and T.D. Mathews. 1987. Polychlorinated biphenyls in blue crabs from South Carolina. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 39: 857-862.
C – 255 Wenner, E.L. and H.R. Beatty. 1988. Macrobenthic communities from wetland impoundments and adjacent open marsh habitats in South Carolina. Estuaries 11: 29-44.
C – 256 Mathews, T.D. and J.M. Marcus. 1986. The need for biological resource data in addition to contaminant concentration data. IEEE Oceans 1986 Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC, Sept. 23-25, 1986.
C – 257 Stapor, F.W. and T.D. Mathews. 1983. Higher-than-present Holocene sea-level events recorded in wave-cut terraces and scarps: Old Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. Marine Geology 52: M53-M60.
C – 258 Jenkins, W.E., T.I.J. Smith, A.D. Stokes, and R.A. Smiley. 1988. Effect of stocking density on production of advanced juvenile hybrid striped bass. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 42: 56-65.
C – 259 Wenner, E.L. and C.A. Wenner. 1989. Seasonal composition and abundance of decapod and stomatopod crustaceans from coastal habitats, southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 87: 55-176.
C – 260 Jahncke, M.L., T.I.J. Smith, and G.T. Seaborn. 1988. Use of fatty acid profiles to distinguish cultured from wild fish: a possible law enforcement tool. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 42: 546-553.
C – 261 Liao, D.S. 1988. The demand for recreational shrimping in South Carolina, 1986, pp. 49-63. IN: D.S. Liao, editor. Proceedings of the Symposium of Demand and Supply of Sport Fishing. 1988.
C – 263 DeLancey, L.B. 1989. Trophic relationship in the surf zone during the summer at Folly Beach, South Carolina. Journal of Coastal Research 5: 477-488.
C – 264 Mense, D.J. and E.L. Wenner. 1989. Distribution and abundance of early life history stages of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in tidal marsh creeks near Charleston, South Carolina. Estuaries 12: 157-168.
C – 265 Collins, M.R., D.J. Schmidt, and C.W. Waltz. 1989. Age and growth of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, from the Atlantic coast of the United States. Fishery Bulletin 87: 49-61.
C – 266 Dillon, R.T. and J.J. Manzi. 1989. Genetics and shell morphology of hard clams (genus Mercenaria) from Laguna Madre, Texas. The Nautilus 103: 73-77.
C – 267 Manzi, J.J. 1989. Aquaculture research priorities for the 1990s. World Aquaculture 20(2): 29-32.
C – 268 Archambault, J.A., E.L. Wenner, and J.D. Whitaker. 1990. Life history and abundance of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, at Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 145-158.
C – 269 Manzi, J.J., R.P. Romaire, and R. Stevens. 1989. Aquaculture production systems: research and development trends in the U.S. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries Technology 1(2): 118-124.
C – 270 Wenner, C.A. and G.R. Sedberry. 1989. Species composition, distribution and relative abundance of fishes in the coastal habitat off the southeastern United States. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 79. 51 pp.
C – 271 Sandifer, P.A., J.S. Hopkins, A.D. Stokes, and G.D. Pruder. 1991. Technological advances in intensive pond culture of shrimp in the United States, pp. 241-256. IN: P. DeLoach, W.J. Dougherty, and M.A. Davidson, editors. Frontiers of Shrimp Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991.
C – 272 Lam, C.F., J.D. Whitaker, and F.S. Lee. 1989. Model for white shrimp landings for the central coast of South Carolina. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 9: 12-22.
C – 273 Sedberry, G.R. and H.R. Beatty. 1989. A visual census of fishes on a jetty at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 105: 59-74.
C – 274 Hayse, J.W. 1990. Feeding habits, age, growth, and reproduction of Atlantic spadefish, Chaetodipterus faber (Pisces: Ephippidae) in South Carolina. Fishery Bulletin 88: 67-83.
C – 275 Smith, T.I.J. and W.E. Jenkins. 1991. Development of a shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, stock enhancement program in North America, pp. 329-335. IN: Acipenser: Actes du Premier Colloque International sur l’Esturgeon, Bordeaux, 3-6 Octobre 1989.
C – 276 Wenner, E.L. 1989. Incidence of insemination in female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 9: 587-594.
C – 277 Chow, S., W.J. Dougherty, and P.A. Sandifer. 1990. Meiotic chromosome complements and nuclear DNA contents of four species of shrimps of the genus Penaeus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 10: 29-36.
C – 278 Sandifer, P.A. 1991. Species with aquaculture potential for the Caribbean, pp. 30-60. IN: Status and Potential of Aquaculture in the Caribbean. Baton Rouge: The World Aquaculture Society, 1991.
C – 279 Rountree, R.A. 1990. Community structure of fishes attracted to shallow water fish aggregation devices off South Carolina, U.S.A. Environmental Biology of Fishes 29: 241-262.
C – 280 Wenner, E.L. and C.A. Barans. 1990. In situ estimates of density of golden crab, Chaceon fenneri, from habitats on the continental slope, southeastern U.S. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 723-734.
C – 281 Sedberry, G.R. 1989. Feeding habits of whitebone porgy, Calamus leucosteus (Teleostei: Sparidae), associated with hard bottom reefs off the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 87: 935-944.
C – 282 Chow, S. and P.A. Sandifer. 1991. Differences in growth, morphometric traits, and male sexual maturity among Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, from different commercial hatcheries. Aquaculture 92: 165-178.
C – 283 Brody, T. and T.D. Mathews. 1989. The release of zinc from leukocytes provoked by A23187 and EDTA is associated with the release of enzymes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 94A(4): 693-697.
C – 284 Collins, M.R. 1990. A comparison of three fish trap designs. Fisheries Research 9: 325-332.
C – 285 Van Dolah, R.F. and G.S. Anderson. 1991. Effects of Hurricane Hugo on salinity and dissolved oxygen conditions in the Charleston Harbor estuary, pp. 83-94. IN: C.W. Finkl and O.H. Pilkey, editors. Impacts of Hurricane Hugo: September 10-22, 1989. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 8. Fort Lauderdale: Coastal Education and Research Foundation, 1991.
C – 286 Manzi, J.J. 1991. Clams, cockles, and arkshells, pp. 139-159. IN: C.E. Nash, editor. Production of Aquatic Animals. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991.
C – 287 McGovern, J.C. and C.A. Wenner. 1990. Seasonal recruitment of larval and juvenile fishes into impounded and non-impounded marshes. Wetlands 10: 203-221.
C – 288 Sedberry, G.R., G.F. Ulrich, and A.J. Applegate. 1990. Development and status of the fishery for wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) in the southeastern United States. Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 43: 168-192.
C – 289 Whitaker, J.D., L.B. DeLancey, and J.E. Jenkins. 1991. Aspects of the biology and fishery potential for Octopus vulgaris off the coast of South Carolina. Bulletin of Marine Science 49: 482-493.
C – 290 Hadley, N.H., R.T. Dillon, and J.J. Manzi. 1991. Realized heritability of growth rate in the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria. Aquaculture 93: 109-119.
C – 291 Low, R.A. and C.W. Waltz. 1991. Seasonal utilization and movement of black sea bass on a South Carolina artificial reef. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 11: 131-138.
C – 292 Haven, D.S. and V.G. Burrell Jr. 1982. The oyster… a shellfish delicacy. Marine Resources of the Atlantic Coast. Leaflet Number 11, 2nd edition.
C – 293 Davis, K.B., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender, D.J. Schmidt, and O. Pashuk. 1991. Shelf water conditions of the South Atlantic Bight six weeks after Hurricane Hugo, pp. 69-82. IN: C.W. Finkl and O.H. Pilkey, editors. Impacts of Hurricane Hugo: September 10-22, 1989. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 8. Fort Lauderdale: Coastal Education and Research Foundation, 1991.
C – 294 Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon Jr. 1991. Hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, broodstocks: growth of selected hatchery stocks and their reciprocal crosses. Aquaculture 94: 17-26.
C – 295 Knott, D.M. and R.M. Martore. 1991. The short-term effects of Hurricane Hugo on fishes and decapod crustaceans in the Ashley River and adjacent marsh creeks, South Carolina, pp. 335-356. IN: C.W. Finkl and O.H. Pilkey, editors. Impacts of Hurricane Hugo: September 10-22, 1989. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 8. Fort Lauderdale: Coastal Education and Research Foundation, 1991.
C – 296 Chow, S., M.M. Dougherty, W.J. Dougherty, and P.A. Sandifer. 1991. Spermatophore formation in the white shrimps Penaeus setiferus and P. vannamei. Journal of Crustacean Biology 11: 201-216.
C – 297 Collins, M.R. and G.R. Sedberry. 1991. Status of vermilion snapper and red porgy stocks off South Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120: 116-120.
C – 298 Van Dolah, R.F., P.H. Wendt, and M.V. Levisen. 1991. A study of the effects of shrimp trawling on benthic communities in two South Carolina sounds. Fisheries Research 12: 139-156.
C – 299 Van Sant, S.B., M.R. Collins, and G.R. Sedberry. 1990. Preliminary evidence from a tagging study for a gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) spawning migration with notes on the use of oxytetracycline for chemical tagging. Proceedings of the Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 43: 417-428.
C – 300 Chow, S., W.J. Dougherty, and P.A. Sandifer. 1991. Unusual testicular lobe system in the white shrimps, Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus, 1761) and P. vannamei Boone, 1931 (Decapoda, Penaeidae); a new character for dendrobranchiata? Crustaceana 60: 304-318.