C – 501 Weinstein, J.E., D.M. Sanger, and A.F. Holland. 2003. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of fluoranthene in the estuarine oligochaete Monopylephorus rubroniveus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 55(3): 278-286.
C – 502 Loefer, J.K and G.R. Sedberry. 2003. Life history of the Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) (Richardson, 1836) off the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 101: 75-88.
C – 503 Atwood, H.L., S.P. Young, J.R. Tomasso, and T.I.J. Smith. 2004. Resistance of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, juveniles to low salinity, low temperature, and high environmental nitrite concentrations. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 15(3-4): 191-195.
C – 504 Lewitus, A.J., L.B. Schmidt, L.J. Mason, J.W. Kempton, S.B. Wilde, J.L. Wolny, B.J. Williams, K.C. Hayes, S.N. Hymel, C.J. Keppler, and A.H. Ringwood. 2003. Harmful algal blooms in South Carolina residential and golf course ponds. Population and Environment. 24(5): 387-413.
C – 505 Prior, S., C.L. Browdy, E.F. Shepard, R. Laramore, and P.G. Parnell. 2003. Controlled bioassay systems for determination of lethal infective doses of tissue homogenates containing Taura syndrome or white spot syndrome virus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 54: 89-96.
C – 506 Holland, A.F., D.M. Sanger, C.P. Gawle, S.B. Lerberg, M.S. Santiago, G.H.M. Riekerk, L.E. Zimmerman, and G.I. Scott. 2004. Linkages between tidal creek ecosystems and the landscape and demographic attributes of their watersheds. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298: 151-178.
C – 507 McDonough, C.J. and C.A. Wenner. 2003. Growth, recruitment, and abundance of juvenile striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) in South Carolina estuaries. Fishery Bulletin 101: 343-357.
C – 508 Collins, M.R., D. Cooke, B. Post, J. Crane, J. Bulak, T.I.J. Smith, T.W. Greig, and J.M. Quattro. 2003. Shortnose sturgeon in the Santee-Cooper Reservoir system, South Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:1244-1250.
C – 509 Ball, A.O., G.R. Sedberry, J.H. Wessel III, and R.W. Chapman. 2003. Large-scale genetic differentiation of Pagrus pagrus in the Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology 62: 1232-1237.
C – 510 Atwood H.L., S.P. Young, J.R, Tomasso Jr., and C.L. Browdy. 2003. Survival and growth of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae in low-salinity and mixed-salt environments. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34: 518-523.
C – 511 Watanabe, W.O., T.I.J. Smith, D.L. Berlinsky, C.A. Woolridge, K.R. Stuart, K.A. Copeland, and M.R. Denson. 2003. Volitional spawning of black sea bass Centropristis striata induced with pelleted luteinizing hormone releasing hormone-analogue. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34: 319-331.
C – 512 Atwood, H.L., S.P. Young, J.R. Tomasso Jr., and T.I.J. Smith. 2003. Effect of temperature and salinity on survival, growth, and condition of juvenile black sea bass, Centropristis striata. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34: 398-402.
C – 513 Zimmerman, L.E., P.C. Jutte, and R.F. Van Dolah. 2003. An environmental assessment of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site and surrounding areas after partial completion of the Charleston Harbor Deepening Project. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 1408-1419. [Open access and available to all users.]
C – 514 Weinstein, J.E. and D.M. Sanger. 2003. Comparative tolerance of two estuarine annelids to fluoranthene under normoxic and moderately hypoxic conditions. Marine Environmental Research 56: 637-648.
C – 515 Atwood, H.L., S.P. Young, J.R. Tomasso Jr. and T.I.J. Smith. 2004. Information on selected water quality characteristics for the production of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, juveniles. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 15(3/4) 183-190.
C – 516 Ball, A.O. and R.W. Chapman. 2003. Population genetic analysis of white shrimp, Litopenaeus setiferus, using microsatellite genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 12(9): 2319-2330.
C – 517 Stuart, K.R. and T.I.J. Smith. 2003. Development of nursery systems for black sea bass Centropristis striata. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34: 359-367.
C – 518 Weirich, C.R., T.I.J. Smith, M.R. Denson, A.D. Stokes, and W.E. Jenkins. 2004. Pond culture of larval and juvenile cobia, Rachycentron canadum, in the southeastern United States: initial observations. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 16(1-2): 27-44.
C – 519 Denson, M.R., K.R. Stewart, T.I.J. Smith, C.R. Weirich, and A. Segars. 2003. Effects of salinity on growth, survival, and selected hematological parameters of juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34: 496-504.
C – 520 Lewitus, A.J., T. Kawaguchi, G.R. DiTullio, and J.D.M. Keesee. 2004. Iron limitation of phytoplankton in an urbanized vs. forested southeastern U.S. salt marsh estuary. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298: 233-254.
C – 521 Southerland, H.A. and A.J. Lewitus. 2004. Physiological responses of estuarine phytoplankton to ultraviolet light-induced fluoranthene toxicity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298: 303-322.
C – 522 McDonough, C.J., W.A. Roumillat, and C.A. Wenner. 2003. Fecundity and spawning season of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in South Carolina estuaries. Fishery Bulletin 101: 822-834.
C – 523 Jenkins, W.E., M.R. Denson, C.B. Bridgham, M.R. Collins, and T.I.J. Smith. 2004. Year-class component, growth, and movement of juvenile red drum stocked seasonally in a South Carolina estuary. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 636-647.
C – 524 Schwartz, F.J., C.A. Barans, and J.M. Boylan. 2003. Distribution and biological aspects of seven species of batfishes (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae) in the western North Atlantic, North Carolina-Florida. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 119: 93-102.
C – 525 Zatcoff, M.S., A.O. Ball, and G.R. Sedberry. 2004. Population genetic analysis of red grouper, Epinephelus morio, and scamp, Mycteroperca phenax, from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 144: 769-777.
C – 526 Gransden, S.G. and A.J. Lewitus. 2003. Grazing of two euplotid ciliates on the heterotrophic dinoflagellates Pfiesteria piscicida and Cryptoperidiniopsis sp. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 33: 303-308.
C – 527 Collins, M.R., T.I.J. Smith, V.A. Mudrak, R. Bakal, and K. Ware. 2004. Use of propagated shortnose sturgeon as surrogates for wild fish, pp. 371-376. IN: Nickum, M.J., editor. Propagated Fish in Resource Management. (American Fisheries Society Symposium Vol. 44) Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
C – 528 Smith T.I.J., W.E. Jenkins, M.R. Denson, and M.R. Collins. 2004. Increasing red drum abundance in South Carolina: monitor, regulate, and stock hatchery fish, pp. 77-86. IN: Nickum, M.J., editor. Propagated Fish in Resource Management. (American Fisheries Society Symposium Vol. 44) Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
C – 529 White, D.B. and S.M. Palmer. 2004. Age, growth, and reproduction of the red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, from the Atlantic waters of the southeastern U.S. Bulletin of Marine Science 75: 335-360.
C – 530 Lewitus, A.J., K.C. Hayes, J.W. Kempton, L.J. Mason, S.B. Wilde, B.J. Williams, and J.L. Wolny. 2005. Prevalence of raphidophyte blooms in South Carolina brackish ponds associated with housing and golf courses. IN: K. Steidinger, et al., editors. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms.
C – 531 Kempton, J.W., P.R. Williams, S.B. Wilde, J.L. Wolny, and A.J. Lewitus. (2004) Detection of Kryptoperidinium foliaceum in South Carolina estuaries using a real-time PCR assay. pp. 312-314 In: K. Steidinger, et al., editors. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms.
C – 532 Wolny, J.L., J.W. Kempton, and A.J. Lewitus. 2005. Taxonomic re-evaluation of a South Carolina ‘red tide’ dinoflagellate indicates placement in the genus Kryptoperidinium. IN: K. Steidinger, et al., editors. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms.
C – 533 Berlinsky, D.L., J.C. Taylor, R.A. Howell, T.M. Bradley, and T.I.J. Smith. 2004. The effects of temperature and salinity on early life stages of black sea bass (Centropristis striata). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 35: 335-344.
C – 534 Hiramatsu, N., R.W. Chapman, J.K. Lindzey, M.R. Haynes, and C.V. Sullivan. 2004. Molecular characterization and expression of vitellogenin receptor from white perch (Morone americana). Biology of Reproduction 70(6): 1720-1730.
C – 535 Schwartz, F.J., C.A. Barans, and J.M. Boylan. 2004. Occurrences and biology of cornetfishes (Fistularia, family Fistulariidae) off North and South Carolina. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 120: 26-31.
C – 536 Foster J.M., R.W. Heard, and D.M. Knott. 2004. Northern range extensions for Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) on the Florida Gulf Coast and in South Carolina. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16: 65-69.
C – 537 Jenny, M.J., A.H. Ringwood, K. Schey, G.W. Warr, and R.W. Chapman. 2004. Diversity of metallothioneins in the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, revealed by transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. European Journal of Biochemistry 271(9): 1702-1712.
C – 538 Browdy, C.L. and S.M. Moss. 2005. Shrimp culture in urban super-intensive closed systems, pp. 173-185. IN: B. Costa-Pierce, et al., editors. Urban Aquaculture. Cambridge, MA: CAB International.
C – 539 Roumillat, W.A., and M.C. Brouwer. 2004. Reproductive dynamics of female spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in South Carolina. Fishery Bulletin 102: 473-487.
C – 540 Buskek, D., D. Richardson, M.Y. Bobo, and L.D. Coen. 2004. Quarantine of oyster shell cultch reduces the abundance of Perkinsus Marinus. Journal of Shellfish Research 23: 369-373.
C – 541 Luckenbach, M.W., L.D. Coen, P.G. Ross, and J.A. Stephen. 2005. Oyster reef habitat restoration: relationships between oyster abundance and community development based on two studies in Virginia and South Carolina. Journal of Coastal Research 40: 64-78.
C – 542 Chapman, R.W., C.L. Browdy, S. Savin, S. Prior, and E.L. Wenner. 2004. Sampling and evaluation of white spot syndrome virus in commercially important south Atlantic penaeid shrimp stocks. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 59(3): 179-185.
C – 543 Jenkins, W.E., T.I.J. Smith, and M.R. Denson. 2004. Stocking red drum: lessons learned, pp. 45-56. IN: Nickum, M.F., editor. Propagated Fish in Resource Management. (American Fisheries Society Symposium Vol. 44) Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
C – 544 Keppler, C.J., J. Hoguet, K. Smith, A.H. Ringwood, and A.J. Lewitus. 2005. Sublethal effects of the toxic alga Heterosigma akashiwo on the southeastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Harmful Algae 4: 275-285.
C – 545 Harris, P.J., D.M. Wyanski, and P.T. Powers Mikell. 2004. Age, growth, and reproductive biology of blueline tilefish along the southeastern coast of the United States, 1982-1999. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133: 1190-1204.
C – 546 Lewitus, A.J. 2006. Osmotrophy in marine microalgae, pp.343-383. IN: D.V.Subba Rao, editor. Algal Cultures, Analogues of Blooms and Applications Vol. 1. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.
C – 547 Robalino, J., C.L. Browdy, S. Prior, A. Metz, P. Parnell, P.S. Gross, and G.W. Warr. 2004. Induction of antiviral immunity by double-stranded RNA in a marine invertebrate. Journal of Virology 78: 10442-10448.
C – 549 Wenner, E., D. Sanger, M. Arendt, A.F. Holland, and Y. Chen. 2004. Variability in dissolved oxygen and other water-quality variables within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 45:17-38.
C – 550 Patat, S.A., R.B. Carnegie, C. Kingsbury, P.S. Gross, R. Chapman, and K.L. Schey. 2004. Antimicrobial activity of histones from hemocytes of the Pacific white shrimp. European Journal of Biochemistry 271: 4825-4833.