C – 651 Labreuche, Y., N.A. O’Leary, E. de la Vega, A. Veloso, P.S. Gross, R.W. Chapman, C.L. Browdy, and G.W. Warr. 2009. Lack of evidence for Litopenaeus vannamei Toll Receptor (Itoll) involvement in activation of sequence-independent antiviral immunity in shrimp. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 33: 806-810.
C – 652 Fiore, C.L. and P.C. Jutte. 2010. Characterization of macrofaunal assemblages associated with sponges and tunicates collected off the southeastern United States. Invertebrate Biology 129: 105-120.
C – 653 Chapman, R.W., A. Mancia, M. Beal, A. Veloso, C. Rathburn, A. Blair, D. Sanger, A.F. Holland, G.W. Warr, and G. Didonato. 2009. A transcriptomic analysis of land-use impacts on the oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the South Atlantic bight. Marine Ecology 18: 2415–2425.
C – 654 Ray, A.J., B.L. Lewis, C.L. Browdy, and J.W. Leffler. 2010. Suspended solids removal to improve shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production and an evaluation of a plant-based feed in minimal-exchange, superintensive culture systems. Aquaculture 299: 89–98.
C – 656 Kingsley-Smith, P.R., H.D. Harwell, M.L. Kellogg, S.M. Allen, S.K. Allen, Jr., D.W. Merritt, K.T. Paynter, Jr., and M.W. Luckenbach. 2009. Survival and growth of triploid Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) and C. ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) in bottom environments of Chesapeake Bay: implications for an introduction. Journal of Shellfish Research 28: 169-184.
C – 657 Ray, A.J., G. Seaborn, J.W. Leffler, S.B. Wilde, A. Lawson, and C.L. Browdy. 2010. Characterization of microbial communities in minimal-exchange, intensive aquaculture systems and the effects of suspended solids management. Aquaculture 310: 130-138.
C – 658 Crowe, S.E., P.T. Gayes, R.F. Viso, D.C. Bergquist, P.C. Jutte, and R.F. Van Dolah. 2010. Impact of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site on nearby hard bottom reef habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60: 679–691.
C – 659 Macey, B.M., M.J. Jenny, H.R. Williams, L.K. Thibodeaux, M. Beal, J.S. Almeida, C. Cunningham, A. Mancia, G.W. Warr, E.J. Burge, A.F. Holland, P.S. Gross, S. Hikima, K.G. Burnett, L. Burnett, and R.W. Chapman. 2010. Modelling interactions of acid-base balance and respiratory status in the toxicity of metal mixtures in the American oyster Crassostrea virginica. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 155: 341–349.
C – 660 Pawson, D.L., D.J. Pawson, and R.A. King. 2010. A Taxonomic Guide to the Echinodermata of the South Atlantic Bight, USA: 1. Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea). Zootaxa 2449: 1-48. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 661 Bubley, W.J. and O. Pashuk. 2010. Life history of a simultaneously hermaphroditic fish, Diplectrum formosum. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 676–691.
C – 662 Goldman, S.F., A.R. Rourk, M.R. Collins, and M.J.M. Reichert. 2010. Effects of simulated commercial harvest on mummichogs in tidal creeks in South Carolina, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30: 921–927.
C – 663 Stephen, J.A. and P.J. Harris. 2010. Commercial catch composition with discard and immediate release mortality proportions off the southeastern coast of the United States. Fisheries Research 103: 18–24.
C – 664 Mancia, A., G.W. Warr, J.S. Almeida, A. Veloso, R.S. Wells, and R.W. Chapman. 2010. Transcriptome profiles: diagnostic signature of dolphin populations. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 919–929.
C – 665 Goldman, S.F. and G.R. Sedberry. 2010. Feeding habits of some demersal fish on the Charleston Bump off the southeastern United States. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 68: 397-398.
C – 667 Ray, A.J., G. Seaborn, L. Vinatea, C.L. Browdy, and J.W. Leffler. 2012. Effects of biofloc reduction on microbial dynamics in minimal-exchange, superintensive shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, culture systems. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 43: 790-801.
C – 668 Browdy, C.L., A.J. Ray, J.W. Leffler, and Y. Avnimelech. 2012. Biofloc based aquaculture systems, pp. 278-307. IN: J.H. Tidwell, editor. Aquaculture Production Systems. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell.
C – 669 Arnott, S.A., W.A. Roumillat, J.A. Archambault, C.A. Wenner, J.I. Gerhard, T.L. Darden, and M.R. Denson. 2010. Spatial synchrony and temporal dynamics of juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus populations in South Carolina, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 415: 221-236 + 3 p. supplement.
C – 670 Collins, M.R. 2010. Problems associated with assessing the status of populations of Atlantic and shortnose sturgeons in the southeastern United States. Fisheries 35: 340-341.
C – 671 Labreuche, Y., A. Veloso, E. de la Vega, P.S. Gross, R.W. Chapman, C.L. Browdy, and G.W. Warr. 2010. Non-specific activation of antiviral immunity and induction of RNA interference may engage the same pathway in the Pacific white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Developmemtal and Comparative Immunology 34: 1209-1218.
C – 672 Darden, T.L., S. Forrest, and M.R. Denson. 2013. Use of genetic microsatellite markers to identify factors affecting stocking success in striped bass, pp. 395-411. IN: J.S. Bulak, C.C. Coutant, and J.A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society symposium 80. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
C – 673 Stephen, J.A., P.J. Harris, and M.J.M. Reichert. 2011. Comparison of life history parameters for landed and discarded fish captured off the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 109:292–304. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 674 Devictor, S.T. and S.L. Morton. 2010. Identification guide to the shallow water (0–200 m) octocorals of the South Atlantic Bight. Zootaxa 2599: 1-62. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 675 Ziskin, G.L., P.J. Harris, D.M. Wyanski, and M.J.M. Reichert. 2011. Indications of continued overexploitation of speckled hind along the Atlantic Coast of the southeastern United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:384-398.
C – 676 Veloso, A.B., G.W. Warr, C.L. Browdy, and R.W. Chapman. 2011. The transcriptomic response to viral infection of two strains of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Developmental and Comparative Immunology 35: 241-246.
C – 677 Chapman, R.W., A. Mancia, M. Beal, A. Veloso, C. Rathburn, A. Blair, A.F. Holland, G.W. Warr, G. Didinato, I. M. Sokolova, E.F. Wirth, E. Duffy, and D. Sanger. 2011. The transcriptomic responses of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to environmental conditions. Molecular Ecology 20:1431–1449.
C – 678 Brown-Peterson, N.J., D.M. Wyanski, F. Saborido-Rey, B.J. Macewicz, and S.K. Lowerre-Barbieri. 2011. A standardized terminology for describing reproductive development in fishes. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 3:52-70. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 679 Lowerre-Barbieri, S.K., N.J. Brown-Peterson, H. Murua, J. Tomkiewicz, D.M. Wyanski, and F. Saborido-Rey. 2011. Emerging issues and methodological advances in fisheries reproductive biology. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 3:32-51. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 680 Schock, T.B., S. Newton, K. Brenkert, J. Leffler, and D.W. Bearden. 2012. An NMR-based metabolomic assessment of cultured cobia health in response to dietary manipulation. Food Chemistry 133: 90-101.
C – 681 Kent, M., C.L. Browdy, and Leffler, J.W. 2011. Consumption and digestion of suspended microbes by juvenile Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture 319: 363-368.
C – 683 Denson, M.R., K. Brenkert IV, W.E. Jenkins, and T.L. Darden. 2012. Assessing red drum juvenile stocking in a South Carolina estuary using genetic identification. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:32-43.
C – 684 Arendt, M.D., J.A. Schwenter, A.L. Segars, J.I. Bryd, P.P. Maier, J.D. Whitaker, D.W. Owens, G. Blanvillian, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Catch rates and demographics of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) captured from the Charleston, South Carolina, shipping channel during the period of mandatory use of turtle excluder devices (TEDs). Fishery Bulletin 110:98-109. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 685 Arendt, M.D., A. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J. Boynton, J.D. Whitaker, L. Parker, D.W. Owens, G. Blanvillain, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Distributional patterns of adult male loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA during and after a major annual breeding aggregation. Marine Biology 159:101-112.
C – 686 Arendt, M.D., A.L. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J. Boynton, J.A. Schwenter, J.D. Whitaker, and L. Parker. 2012. Migration, distribution, and diving behavior of adult male loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) following dispersal from a major breeding aggregation in the Western North Atlantic. Marine Biology 159:113-125.
C – 687 Arendt, M.D., A.L. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J. Boynton, J.D. Whitaker, L. Parker, D.W. Owens, G. Blanvillain, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Seasonal distribution patterns of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) following capture from a shipping channel in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology 159:127-139.
C – 688 McDonough, C.J., C.A. Wenner, and W.A. Roumillat. 2011. Age, Growth, and Reproduction of Sheepsheads in South Carolina. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 3:366-382. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 689 Tumburu, L., E.F. Shepard, A.E. Strand, and C.L. Browdy. 2012. Effects of endosulfan exposure and Taura Syndrome virus infection on the survival and molting of the marine penaeid shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Chemosphere 86:912-918.
C – 690 Darden, T.L. and C.M. Tarpey. 2014. Genetic characterization of the Savannah and Pee Dee River populations of robust redhorse (Moxostoma robustum) with conservation implications. Copeia No.1:70-78.
C – 691 Cushman, E., C. Tarpey, B. Post, K. Ware, and T. Darden. 2012. Genetic characterization of American shad in the Edisto River, South Carolina, and initial evaluation of an experimental stocking program. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1338-1348.
C – 692 Darden, T.L., M.J. Walker, K. Brenkert, J.R. Yost, and M.R. Denson. 2014. Population genetics of cobia (Rachycentron canadum): implications for fishery management along the coast of the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 112:24-35. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 693 Lefebvre, L.S. and M.R. Denson. 2012. Inshore spawning of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) in South Carolina. Fishery Bulletin 110:397-412. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 694 Arendt, M.D., J.A. Schwenter, J. Boynton, A.L. Segars, J.I. Byrd, J.D. Whitaker, and L. Parker. 2012. Temporal trends (2000–2011) and influences on fishery-independent catch rates for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) at an important coastal foraging region in the southeastern United States. Fishery Bulletin 110:470-483. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 695 Schock, T.B., J. Duke, A. Goodson, D. Weldon, J. Brunson, J.W. Leffler, and D.W. Bearden. 2013. Evaluation of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) health during a superintensive aquaculture growout using NMR-based metabolomics. PLoS One 8:no. 3, e59521. [Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 696 Arendt, M.D., J. Boynton, J.A. Schwenter, J.I. Byrd, A.L. Segars, J.D. Whitaker, L. Parker, D.W. Owens, G.M. Blanvillain, J.M. Quattro, and M.A. Roberts. 2012. Spatial clustering of loggerhead sea turtles in coastal waters of the NW Atlantic Ocean: implications for management surveys. Endangered Species Research 18:219-231.[Open access and available online to all users.]
C – 697 Sanger, D.M., E.M. Smith, G. Voulgaris, E.T. Koepfler, S.M. Libes, G.H.M. Riekerk, D.C. Bergquist, D.I. Greenfield, P.A. Wren, C.A. McCoy, R.F. Viso, R.N. Peterson, and J.D. Whitaker. 2012. Constrained enrichment contributes to hypoxia formation in Long Bay, South Carolina (USA), an open water urbanized coastline. Marine Ecology Progres Series 461:15-30.
C – 698 Sanger, D., A. Blair, G.DiDonato, T. Washburn, S. Jones, G. Riekerk, E. Wirth, J. Stewart, D. White, L. Vandiver, and A.F. Holland. May 2013. Impacts of coastal development on the ecology of tidal creek ecosystems of the US southeast including consequences to humans. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-013-9635-y.
C – 699 Kingsley-Smith, P.R., R.E. Joyce, S.A. Arnott, W.A. Roumillat, C. J. McDonough, and M.J.M. Reichert. 2012. Habitat use of intertidal eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs by nekton in South Carolina estuaries. Journal of Shellfish Research 31:1009-1021.
C – 700 Fitzhugh, G.R., K.W. Shertzer, G.T. Kellison, D.M. Wyanski. 2012. Review of size- and age-dependence in batch spawning: implications for stock assessment of fish species exhibiting indeterminate fecundity. Fishery Bulletin 110:413-425. [Open access and available online to all users.]