TR – 1 McKenzie, M.D. 1970. Fluctuations in abundance of the blue crab and factors affecting mortalities. 45 pp
TR – 2 Bearden, C.M. and M.D. McKenzie. 1971. An investigation of the offshore demersal fish resources of South Carolina. 19 pp
TR – 3 Gracy, R.C. and W.J. Keith. 1972. Survey of the South Carolina oyster fishery. 28 pp
TR – 4 Cupka, D.M. 1972. A survey of the ichthyofauna of the surf zone in South Carolina. 19 pp
TR – 5 Calder, D.R., P.J. Eldridge, and E.B. Joseph, (editors.) 1974. The shrimp fishery of the southeastern United States: a management planning profile. 229 pp
TR – 6 Shealy, M.H., Jr., J.V. Miglarese, and E.B. Joseph. 1974. Bottom fishes of South Carolina estuaries: relative abundance, seasonal distribution and length-frequency relationships. 189 pp
TR – 7 Shealy, M.H., Jr., B.B. Boothe Jr., and C.M. Bearden. 1975. A survey of the benthic macrofauna of Fripp Inlet and Hunting Island, South Carolina, prior to beach nourishment. 30 pp
TR – 8 Eldridge, P.J. and S.A. Goldstein. 1975. The shrimp fishery of the South Atlantic United States: a regional management plan. 66 pp
TR – 9 Myatt, D.O. and D.M. Cupka. 1975. Buoys and buoy systems used on South Carolina’s offshore artificial fishing reefs. 21 pp
TR – 10 Calder, D.R., C.M. Bearden, and B.B. Boothe Jr. 1975. Environmental inventory of a small neutral embayment: Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. 58 pp
TR – 11 Powles, H. and B.W. Stender. 1976. Observations on composition, seasonality, and distribution of ichthyoplankton from MARMAP cruises in the South Atlantic Bight in 1973. 47 pp
TR – 12 Barans, C.A. and W.A. Roumillat. 1976. Surface water drift south of Cape Lookout, North Carolina. 12 pp
TR – 13 Barans, C.A. and V.G. Burrell Jr. 1976. Preliminary findings of trawling on the continental shelf off the southeastern United States during four seasons (1973-1975). 16 pp
TR – 14 McKenzie, M.D., D. Liao, and E.B. Joseph. 1976. Feasibility study of a seafood industrial park for South Carolina. 95 pp
TR – 15 Hammond, D.L., D.O. Myatt, and D.M. Cupka. 1976. Evaluation of midwater structures as a potential tool in the management of the fisheries resources on South Carolina’s reefs. 19 pp
TR – 16 Keiser, R.K. 1976. Species composition, magnitude, and utilization of the incidental catch of the South Carolina shrimp fishery. 94 pp
TR – 17 Calder, D.R., C.M. Bearden, B.B. Boothe Jr., and R.W. Tiner Jr. 1977. A reconnaissance of the macrobenthic communities, wetlands, and shellfish resources of Little River Inlet, North Carolina and South Carolina. 58 pp
TR – 18 Eldridge, P.J., F.H. Berry, and M.C. Miller. 1977.Test results of the Boothbay neuston net related to net length, diurnal period, and other variables. 22 pp
TR – 19 Mathews, T.D. and O. Pashuk. 1977. A description of oceanographic conditions off southeastern United States during 1973. 99 pp
TR – 20 Hammond, D. and D.M. Cupka. 1977. An economic and biological evaluation of the South Carolina pier fishery. 14 pp
TR – 21 Eldridge, P.J. and W. Waltz. 1977. Observations on the commercial fishery for blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in estuaries in the southern half of South Carolina. 35 pp
TR – 22 Calder, D.R., B.B. Boothe Jr., and M.S. Maclin. 1977. A preliminary report on estuarine macrobenthos of the Edisto and Santee River systems, South Carolina. 50 pp
TR – 23 Tiner, R.W. Jr. 1977. An inventory of South Carolina’s coastal marshes. 33 pp
TR – 24 Theiling, D.L. 1977. South Carolina’s 1976 shrimp trawler season. 31 pp
TR – 25 Bishop, J. and M.H. Shealy Jr. 1977. Biological observations on commercial penaeid shrimps caught by bottom trawl in South Carolina estuaries : February 1973-January 1975. 97 pp
TR – 26 Keiser, R.K., Jr. 1977. The incidental catch from commercial shrimp trawlers of the South Atlantic states: a cooperative state-federal study. 38 pp
TR – 27 Cupka, D.M., P.J. Eldridge and G.R. Huntsman (editors.) 1977. Proceedings of workshop on the snapper/grouper resources of the South Atlantic Bight. 46 pp
TR – 28 Gracy, R.C., W.J. Keith, and R.J. Rhodes. 1978. Management and development of the shellfish industry in South Carolina. 23 pp
TR – 29 Stapor, F.W. and R.S. Murali. 1978. Computer modeling of littoral sand transport (shore-parallel) for coastal South Carolina. 9 pp
TR – 30 Mathews, T.D. and M.H. Shealy,= Jr. 1978. Hydrography of South Carolina estuaries, with emphasis on the North and South Edisto and Cooper Rivers. 148 pp
TR – 31 Powles, H. and B.W. Stender, 1978. Taxonomic data on the early life history stages of Sciaenidae of the South Atlantic Bight of the United States. 64 pp
TR – 32 Anderson, W.D., W.J. Keith, F.H. Mills, M.E. Bailey and J.L. Steinmeyer. 1979. A survey of South Carolina’s hard clam resources. 32 pp
TR – 33 Wenner, C.A., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender and F.H. Berry. 1979. Results of MARMAP otter trawl investigations in the South Atlantic Bight. I. Fall 1973. 79 pp
TR – 34 Liao, D.S. and D.M. Cupka. 1979. Socio-economic profile of South Carolina’s offshore sport fishermen. 10 pp
TR – 35 Liao, D.S. 1979. An economic analysis of mobility of shrimp vessels in the South Atlantic states. 37 pp
TR – 36 Anderson, W.D., W.J. Keith, W.R. Tuten, and F.H. Mills. 1979. A survey of South Carolina’s washed shell resource. 81 pp
TR – 37 Moore, C.J., H. Mills, and D. Cupka. 1984. Recreational shellfish gathering in South Carolina, 1980-81. 8 pp
TR – 38 Liao, D.S. and D.M. Cupka. 1979. Economic impacts and fishing success of offshore sport fishing over artificial reefs and natural habitats in South Carolina. 27 pp
TR – 39 Van Dolah, R.F., D.R. Calder, D.M. Knott, and M.S. Maclin. 1979. Effects of dredging and unconfined disposal of dredged material on macrobenthic communities in Sewee Bay, South Carolina. 54 pp
TR – 40 Wenner, C.A., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender, and F.H. Berry. 1979. Results of MARMAP otter trawl investigations in the South Atlantic Bight. II. Spring 1974. 78 pp
TR – 41 Wenner, C.A., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender, and F.H. Berry. 1979. Results of MARMAP otter trawl investigations in the South Atlantic Bight. III. Summer 1974. 62 pp
TR – 42 Stapor, F.W. Jr. 1982. Coastal erosion and deposition in the Dewees Island region, Charleston County, South Carolina. 12 pp
TR – 43 Waltz, C.W., W.A. Roumillat and P.K. Ashe. 1979. Distribution, age-structure, and sex composition of the black sea bass, Centropristis striata, sampled along the southeastern coast of the United States. 18 pp
TR – 44 Wenner, C.A., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender, and F. Berry. 1979. Results of MARMAP otter trawl investigations in the South Atlantic Bight. IV. Winter-early spring 1975. 59 pp
TR – 45 Wenner, C.A., C.A. Barans, B.W. Stender, and F.H. Berry. 1980. Results of MARMAP otter trawl investigations in the South Atlantic Bight. V. Summer 1975. 57 pp
TR – 46 Smith, J.W. and C.J. Moore. 1980. A socio-economic survey of the Third Annual Arthur Smith King Mackerel Tournament. 11 pp
TR – 47 Mathews, T.D., M.H. Shealy Jr., and N. Cummings. 1981. Hydrography of South Carolina estuaries, with emphasis on the North and South Santee and Charleston Harbor-Cooper River estuaries. 128 pp
TR – 48 Cupka, D.M. and W.A. Van Engel (editors.). 1979. Proceedings of workshop on soft shell blue crabs, September 22, 1979, Charleston, South Carolina. 99 pp
TR – 49 Wenner, E.L. and T.H. Read. 1981. Distribution and assemblages of decapod crustaceans from the continental shelf of the South Atlantic Bight: 1977-79 MARMAP investigations. 41 pp
TR – 50 Mathews, T.D. and O. Pashuk. 1982. A description of oceanographic conditions off the southeastern United States during 1974. 4 pp., 108 figs.