Copyright Law, Fair Use Doctrine, and ILL Material Cost
ILL services and users are subject to Title 17 of the United States Code. MRL must pay royalty fees to acquire some ILL materials for our users. In addition, some libraries charge MRL handling fees for the provision of their materials. Therefore, MRL operates ILL services to:
- Comply with relevant copyright laws
- Provide ILL materials as fiscally efficiently as possible
- Provide ILL materials in as timely manner as possible
Users from The Graduate School – College of Charleston may borrow Interlibrary Loan materials at no cost to the individual. Users from SCDNR/MRD and NOAA NOS CCEHBR Charleston Laboratory/Hollings Marine Laboratory/NIST Charleston may incur charges assessed by the lending library; therefore, these users must include a cost limit (NOAA $20 limit) and the required authorization information on request forms.
Your responsibility as a user of library material under Title 17 is to respect the author’s exclusive rights under copyright law, both by attributing the work to the author by citation when using it in your own scholarship and by refraining from further distributing copies of that work.
Restrictions on Borrowing
MRL will not request from another library:
- more than 10% or two chapters of a monographic work (we’ll seek to borrow the entire book for you)
- more than two articles from the same issue of a journal